Tuesday 25 August 2015

Labours voting system

Establishment Labour seems to be getting it's knickers in a twist about the voting system for the selection of leader. The suggestion seems to be that by opening up the vote to all supporters (and infiltrators) rather than engaging the public in an open and meaningful process to pick a future Prime Minister, they are hastening the arrival of their new marxist overlord. I can see one simple way that this situation could have been avoided:

Don't put fucking idiots on the ballot in the first place.

 This is harder than it might sound what with this being the Labour Party and so being almost entirely composed of fuckwits, but remember that Corbyn is only on the ballot because some morons "lent" him their votes in order to "broaden the debate".  Had they not been so monumentally stupid as to rig the nominations to get him on there in the first place  Cooper and  Burnhurm would now be having their own halfwits jamboree,confident that whoever won would be representative of mainstream, slightly less insane, Labour.

Quite frankly if you offer people a choice between four different shits, don't be surprised if they pick the shitiest shit.

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